Rust on the CH32V003 - 4 posts
A series of blog posts on porting Rust onto a new microcontroller and RISC-V variant
- Part 0: Introduction: I have a new side project, and it involves porting Rust to an (almost) new platform. Let's meet our hero, the CH32V003
- Part 1: Custom Rust toolchain: To make Rust work for our microcontroller, we first have to support RISC-V's E extension. We'll patch and build LLVM to generate correct code, and then fix a small issue in Rust itself
- Part 2: Boot and blink: Armed with a functional Rust toolchain, let's work through setting up the core and interfacing with hardware. By the end we will have a blinking LED
- Part 3: The embedded ecosystem: After getting a basic proof of concept implementation working, let's take a look at how the Rust embedded ecosystem works